The PillBot Revolutionises Gastrointestinal Tract Diagnosis and Endiatx is Leading the Way ( Representational image: Unsplash) 

Endiatx's PillBot: Transforming the Landscape of Gastrointestinal Diagnostics

MBT Desk

We all suffer from stomach aches which do not get diagnosed correctly and lead to more severe complications. The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is one of the most complex and largest systems in our body, making diagnosis difficult and sometimes causing more harm than good. There are many different ways to diagnose the GI tract, which are divided into different categories based on how invasive they are.

Non-Invasive: Stool test, blood test, imaging test, breath test.

Minimally Invasive: Capsule endoscopy, PillBot.

Invasive: Endoscopy, endoscopic ultrasound, biopsy, barium X-rays.

Sometimes invasive methods are necessary to determine what exactly is wrong in the GI tract because non-invasive methods do not give proper results. However, invasive methods carry their own risk factors, such as perforations, aspirations, and post-procedure pain.

To get results like invasive tests but avoid all the complications, Torrey Smith, Konstantin Stoev, and Dr. Vivek Kumbhari built the PillBot. Their company is named Endiatx. Torrey Smith is the CEO and co-founder of the company, and Konstantin is the CTO and co-founder. Both of them come from an engineering background with experience in medical devices and had a vision of a PillBot that can be controlled and directed as desired, reaching difficult areas of the GI tract. This was made possible with the help of Dr. Vivek Kumbhari, MD, a renowned gastroenterologist and endoscopist.

Dr. Vivek Kumbhari and the company's investor Alex Lukianov, an experienced entrepreneur and investor in the medical technology field, provided strategic guidance and support in business development and commercialization. They gave a TED Talk explaining how the PillBot works and also gave a live demonstration.

During the live demonstration, Alex himself swallowed the pill, and Dr. Vivek, by controlling the pill using a controller, explained that this PillBot enters the stomach within seconds and provides similar views to a regular endoscopy, detecting any pathologies like ulcers and cancer. Alex further explained that the pill contains three pump jet thrusters which squirt water in three different directions, allowing the pill to navigate and fly around in three dimensions. It also has a camera that provides a live feed of the inside of the stomach, control circuitry, LED lights (because it is very dark inside the human body), a wireless data link, and a battery.

Inside each and every one of us holds mysteries and wonders that if unlocked, lead to better health, performance and longevity.
Alex Lukianov, Investor, PillBot

The PillBot started as a large device that wasn't very swallowable, but eventually, it was made into the size of a multivitamin capsule. Alex also highlighted the fact that nanotechnology exists which can make this PillBot even smaller, allowing it to go anywhere in the human body, even the brain.

Pill Bot can be easily navigated inside the stomach an find any structural damage ( Representational image : Unsplash )

Clinical trials are still underway, and FDA clearance is pending, but if this device gets released, it will revolutionize GI diagnosis. The PillBot offers several advantages:

  1. Minimally Invasive: Unlike traditional endoscopy, the PillBot is minimally invasive, reducing the risks of complications such as perforation and post-procedure pain.

  2. Patient Comfort: Patients can swallow the PillBot like a regular pill, avoiding the discomfort and anxiety associated with traditional endoscopy procedures.

  3. Accessibility: The PillBot can reach difficult areas of the GI tract that might be challenging for traditional endoscopy to access.

  4. Real-Time Imaging: The device provides real-time imaging, allowing physicians to observe and diagnose conditions promptly.

  5. Reduced Procedure Time: The PillBot can navigate through the GI tract quickly, potentially reducing the time needed for diagnostic procedures.

  6. Innovation Potential: With advancements in nanotechnology, the PillBot could become even smaller, opening possibilities for exploring other areas of the body, including the brain.

In conclusion, the PillBot represents a significant advancement in GI diagnostics, offering a safer, more comfortable, and potentially more effective alternative to traditional invasive methods. As technology continues to evolve, devices like the PillBot could become a standard tool in medical diagnostics, improving patient outcomes and healthcare efficiency. If successfully approved and commercialized, the PillBot has the potential to revolutionize the field of gastrointestinal diagnostics, making accurate and less invasive procedures accessible to more patients worldwide.


1. PillBot - Endoscopy Simplified - Endiatx. (n.d.). Endiatx.

(Input from various sources)

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