Your skincare ritual can be your personal Zen zone making you feel happier, calmer and more self-aware. (Image by Freepik) 
Fitness and Wellness

Nurturing Your Mind and Body: Skincare Ritual and Mental Health

Dr. Abhilasha Manker, Pedodontist

Have you noticed how your cheeks flush when you feel embarrassed or your face turns red around your crush? Or perhaps you have experienced goosebumps when you're excited or felt a crawling sensation when you are scared.

From upcoming exams to personal challenges like divorce or job loss, pregnancy or long stressful working hours, your skin can reveal a lot about your emotional state. Even a baby recognizes her mother by the touch of their skin. While it might not be immediately apparent, the mind and skin are deeply interconnected, forming a complex relationship.

Your skin is a reflection of your mental state, and vice versa. When your skin feels and looks good, you tend to feel better and look vibrant. The glow comes form within. This relation between skin and mind is now being accepted and explored by professionals in treating certain skin conditions like eczema, break-outs, rashes that reflect an underlying psychological stress or mental health struggles. Perhaps it's time to take a closer look at that rash. It might not be as random as it seems.

Skin Deep

Skin is the largest organ of the human body, equipped with multiple layers, specialized functions like touch, pressure, thermal sense and feeling pain. It covers every vital system of the body.

The multi-functionality of skin is due to enormous nerve fibers and bundles connecting it to the regulatory center of the brain. This helps us feel every touch, memorize and recall feel of things, person and place.

Skincare has been the holy grail of everlasting beauty and youth since the existence of time. But the relationship of skin to mental health is a relatively new.

Psychiatrists have now discovered that there is a whole Brain-skin-Axes that is responsible for the connection between the two.

finding the zen in your skincare routine can have a positive impact on your mental health in the long run. (Image by zahra bibi from pixabay)
Skincare is therapeutic for me. When I'm feeling down, sad, or happy, putting on a face mask helps me unwind and relax. It helps me recharge and i can go back to working!
Himani Negi, Pharmacist and Managing Editor, MedBound Times

Skin Care and Quality of Life

Recent study lead by Lixia Zhang showed that people who look after others like women with children under the 2 years of age, those looking after aged parents or parents with health conditions, are often more likely to ignore their own well-being and are usually under great amounts of stress.1

Zhang's study showed that when given an opportunity for a 28-day facial skin care regime, the participants showed improvement in energy, self- image, self-competence and improved vitality. And the effect lasted 2 weeks after stopping the regime.1

Puberty is a tumultuous time, marked by physical changes and often accompanied by skin issues. These skin problems can significantly affect a teenager's mental health. A relatively new field, "Psychodermatology," specifically examines the psychological impact of skin conditions on adolescents.

Dr. Siddhiqua Pareveen, MD in Internal Medicine, discussed with MedBound Times, the ways in which regular skincare not only benefits your skin but also positively impacts your overall well-being. Self-care practices like skincare can uplift your mood, promote relaxation, and enhance your mental health.

Professionals are now focusing on exploring the correlation between skincare trends and the developmental and psychological changes experienced during adolescence.

Psychiatrists and dermatologists now delve into how innovative skincare practices can influence teenage self-esteem, self-perception, and stress management. By recognizing the importance of self-care and maintaining a consistent skincare ritual, teenagers can foster long-term benefits for their overall well-being.2

Mindful Skin Routine

Ever feel like life's a rollercoaster? Well, your skincare routine can be your personal Zen zone! Having a routine can make you feel happier and less stressed. Developing a routine for morning skin rituals or evening skin routine can The concept of skincare as meditative therapy is now evolving rapidly. Doctors and psychiatrists are focusing on providing relaxation experience through soothing, calming skincare routines.

When you are organized and have a daily skin-care ritual, you're not just treating your skin; you're treating yourself. Plus, it's a totally customizable and personalized ritual. It's like a mini vacation for your skin, and it'll leave you feeling refreshed, relaxed, and ready to conquer the world!

Himani Negi, pharmacist and Managing Editor of MedBound Times, says, "Skincare is therapeutic for me. When I'm feeling down, sad, or happy, putting on a face mask helps me unwind and relax. It helps me recharge and i can go back to working!"

She said, she is a bit lazy to follow a skincare regime on daily basis, but she tries to keep a nighttime routine, also she never steps out without a sunscreen.

While women have long been the primary consumers of skincare products, men are catching up and adopting skincare routines of their own.

On being asked about following a skincare routine, Yash Kamble, pharmacist replied, "Oh absolutely! I am very new to skincare and my skincare regime consists of basic moisturizer and sunscreen."

"But the most effective skincare for me is drinking adequate amounts of water. It has helped me so much wit my acne", he added.

Your Secret Weapon for Your Mental Health Struggles

It has worked for me since I was fourteen. Having a healthy skin absolutely boosts my confidence and I feel refreshed and ready to take on the world!
M Subha Maheswari, MSc Biotechnology (Copy Editor, MedBound Times)

Feeling down? Shake it off with a gentle cleanser!

Believe it or not, a simple skincare routine can be a game-changer for your mental health. When you're struggling with anxiety or depression, it can be easy to feel like you don't deserve self-care. But even the smallest act of self-pampering can make a huge impact. So, next time you're feeling blue, try taking a few minutes to pamper your skin. It's like time-away from all your work-stress, cleansing away all your mental health struggles.

Skin care can help you feel fresh, confident and relaxed. It calms your nerves, letting that stress off and help you be mindful of your wellness. Additionally, it reduces the internal experience of negative emotions making us feel less angry, sad or fearful.3

M Subha Maheswari, Copy Editor at MedBound Times, has the simplest routine that consist of face wash, a light moisturizer and a sunscreen. "It has worked for me since I was fourteen. Having a healthy skin absolutely boosts my confidence and I feel refreshed and ready to take on the world", she mentioned.

Skincare as simple as cleansing and putting a hot towel can make you feel relaxed, help you get rid of skin troubles like clogged pores, and can calm down anxiety.

Your Way to Bond Better Socially

"You feel better when you look better" says Varsha Pahwa, an arts and craft teacher at G.D. Goenka Public School, Indore. "While it needs dedication and regularity, it also gives you a chance to understand your body needs and your stress points as you get to know yourself better."

"It shows on your face, your eyes and your smile. The over-all energy, the vibe is a whole new level", she added.

Skincare as simple as cleansing and putting a hot towel can make you feel relaxed, help you get rid of skin troubles like clogged pores, and can calm down anxiety. All of these makes them feel sorted, happy and radiant, helping them open up to their surroundings and people.

Gayatri Prakashan, a B.Tech final year student at Vellore Institute of Technology, prefers a simple skincare routine, typically washing her face and applying moisturizer daily. However, she occasionally indulges in extra pampering for a luxurious feel.

Dr. Shreya Dave, Content Editor at The Checkup Magazine, told MedBound Times, that she likes to keep salicylic acid face wash and sunscreen as essential parts of her daily routine to help prevent acne and sun damage.

Self-Care Equals Self-Worth 

Skin issues vary with age, hormones, gender and various skin types. A teenager may struggle with self-esteem due to acne and other skin issues common during adolescence. Meanwhile, a woman in her thirties might experience a decline in skin quality, leading to feelings of aging and diminished confidence.

A strong sense of self-worth comes from within. How we feel about ourselves significantly impacts our overall confidence. A consistent skincare routine can help reduce acne, blemishes, and fine lines, contributing to a healthier complexion and a boost in self-esteem.

The best part! Its customizable nature allows it to be tailored to your individual requirements!

Maintaining a skincare routine is a simple yet effective way to improve your mental and emotional well-being. It allows you to prioritize self-care, focus on the present moment, and potentially reduce anxiety. Additionally, it can be a source of relaxation and enjoyment, and even a way to connect with loved ones.


1. Zhang, Lixia, Aldhel Adique, Pradipta Sarkar, Vinay Shenai, Murali Sampath, Ricky Lai, Joanna Qi, Macia Wang, and Miranda A. Farage. "The impact of routine skin care on the quality of life." Cosmetics 7, no. 3 (2020): 59.

2. Xie, Tianhui. "Effectiveness of Skincare Toward Teenage Mental Health." Interdisciplinary Humanities and Communication Studies 1, no. 8 (2024).

3. Osman, Ossama T., Amir Mufaddel, Fadwa Almugaddam, and Eugene F. Augusterfer. "The psychiatric aspects of skin disorders." Expert Review of Dermatology 6, no. 2 (2011): 195-209.

By Dr. Abhilasha Manker

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