Manifestation is a common trend in recent times, how does it affect our brain? (Unsplash) 
Fitness and Wellness

The Science Behind Manifestation: Insights from Neuroscience

Ruchika Brahmmadandi, MD

Manifestation by definition means a sign of something existing or happening. (1) In recent times manifestation has had an increasing trend. It is related to the practice of thinking aspirational thoughts to make them real, which loosely translates to “Speak it into existence”.

Manifestation is about creating a vision for the future, putting energy and intention into making that vision a reality, and then aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions accordingly so that your vision can come into fruition.
Denise Fournier, PhD, LMHC
Historic Prevalence (2)
Manifestation is not a recent discovery. It was first known during the 19th century when the belief was that our thoughts influence the real world. Since then positive thinking has been believed to be the answer to most of our earthly problems. Manifestations also known as the "law of attraction" include the Hindu basics describing the unity of your mind, body, and the universe.

With the historical aspects in mind, does this ancient practice have a scientific reason or basis it can rely on?

Dr. Priyanka Sehrawat, MD Medicine, DM Neurology, AIIMS Delhi, took her Instagram to speak regarding the same.

Dr. Priyanka explained that there are neuroscience researches that were conducted supporting the benefits of manifestation. She added that vivid imaginations lead to the release of certain neurotransmitters leading to activation of neural pathways that make us believe that the said goal is achievable.

Imagination and visualization play key roles in the manifestation of goals.
Dr. Priyanka Sehrawat, MD Medicine, DM Neurology

Dr. Priyanka further clarified that more researches need to be conducted to establish a firm base on this topic. However, she added there is no harm in staying positive.

How does manifestation work?

It occurs by developing new neural pathways in our brains. This process is also referred to as neuroplasticity, which is molded by experience, repetition, and intention enabling our brain to form new circuits. Over time this repetitive behaviour programs our brain to reward us when we move closer to our goal. (3)

Neuroplasticity enables our brain to form new circuits. (Unsplash)

How does visualization act as a manifestation?

The findings of recent research suggest that visualizing ourselves doing or achieving a goal not only alters our brain but also forms these new connections leading us to make the desire into a reality. (4)

  • Visualization activates the same neural pathways as real experiences, making the brain respond to imagined scenarios as if they are real.

  • Visualization engages the Reticular Activating System (RAS), which filters information. This helps you focus on your goals and notice relevant opportunities.

  • Consistent visualization trains your brain to recognize patterns and take goal-directed actions causing behavioral changes.

  • Visualization boosts confidence, focus, and motivation, enhancing learning and skill acquisition like physical practice.

Manifestation through visualization includes closing your eyes and imagining yourself achieving your goal.(Unsplash)

How can you manifest your future goals?

1. Firstly, select or choose the goal that you wish to achieve and make sure that it is a desire that matters to you.

2. Secondly Visualize your desires. Simply close your eyes, take deep breaths, and imagine a scene from your desired future life.

Visualizing yourself or imagining yourself in that position or as if you have already achieved that goal will help you feel the positive emotions more strongly, boosting self-belief. (5)

Manifestation involves developing new neural pathways through neuroplasticity, which reinforces progress toward goals through repeated mental rehearsal. Visualization, supported by research, activates brain circuits similarly to real experiences, Consistent visualization fosters goal-directed behaviors, boosting confidence and motivation, ultimately aiding in achieving desired outcomes by reinforcing positive emotions and self-belief.


  1. on 04/07/2024)

  2. (cited on 05/07/2024)

  3. on 05/07/2024)

  4. on 05/07/2024)

  5. on 05/07/2024)

  6. on 05/07/2024)

By Dr. Ruchika Brahmmadandi


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