Dr. Vidya Kollu, MBBS, MD Oncology and Hematology, Hematologist/oncologist in the Midwest, United States 

ClinicalTrack - Dr. Vidya Kollu

MBT Desk

Name: Dr. Vidya Kollu

Birth Place: India

Academic Qualification: MBBS, MD Oncology and Hematology

Duty Medical Officer (part-time), Shivananda Maternity and Child Hospital, Karimnagar, India (2010-2011)

Compulsory Rotatory Residential Internship, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar, India (2010–2011)

Duty Medical officer, Sri Raghavendra Hospital, Hyderabad, India (2011-2012)

Internal Medicine Resident, Seton Hall University-Trinitas Regional Medical Center, Elizabeth, New Jersey, United States (2013–2016)

BMT hospitalist, The University of Iowa Health Care (2016-2018), Lowa City, Lowa Area (2016-2018)

Assistant Professor Of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, USA (2018-2019)

What are you doing currently?

I am working as a hematologist/oncologist in Genesis Health System, Midwest, United States.

How was your initial experience with clinical initiation, clinical rotations, or bedside learning?

I found it to be a rewarding and educational experience. Being able to apply theoretical knowledge to real-life situations was invaluable.

Could you share some humorous, peculiar, or unforgettable experiences you've had while working in a clinical ward?

One memorable incident was when a patient mistook me for a seasoned doctor and started asking complex medical questions. It was both amusing and flattering, and it highlighted the trust patients place in their healthcare providers.

What are your thoughts on outpatient clinics (OPD) as an integral part of the medical profession?

I find outpatient clinics to be interesting and challenging. They allow for a more personalized interaction with patients, but the challenge lies in managing a diverse range of cases efficiently.

What are your thoughts on indoor/ward/floor duties in a hospital?

I appreciate the opportunity to closely monitor patients' progress and provide immediate care. However, the workload and limited work-life balance can be challenging aspects.

Could you describe your routine and activities when you are rounding on patients during your medical duties?

Rounding involves reviewing charts, making diagnoses/treatment plans, patient education, and communicating with healthcare team members to ensure comprehensive patient care.

What are some of your favorite procedures or activities that you enjoy while working in hospitals or outpatient clinics (OPDs)?

I enjoy performing bone marrow biopsies, as they are crucial for accurate diagnoses in my field.

What are some procedures or activities that you dislike or prefer to avoid while working in hospitals or outpatient clinics (OPDs)?

I prefer to avoid clerical/secretarial work and EMR documentation, as it takes away time that could be spent directly with patients.

Can you describe your experience during your clinical rotations? What departments did you rotate through, and which one was your favorite(s)?

During rotations, I experienced various departments, but I found my time in oncology to be the most rewarding due to the opportunity to make a significant impact on patients' lives.

If you could change one aspect of how doctors and medical students work in hospitals or outpatient clinics, what would it be?

I would advocate for a better work-life balance and reduced workload to allow medical professionals to lead more balanced lives and avoid burnout.

How do you handle or perceive night calls/shifts? What is your take on in-house calls?

Night calls and in-house shifts are part of the job; while challenging, they are essential for patient care. Managing them efficiently is crucial to ensure both patient safety and personal well-being.

How do you manage the food situation while you are on duty in the hospital or during your work shifts?

I bring my own food to ensure a healthy and balanced diet, as hospital food can often be unhealthy.

How do you like to spend your leisure time when you're not working or on duty?

I enjoy spending time with my family, practicing yoga, reading books, and focusing on financial education and investments for financial freedom.

What is something that you strongly dislike or find challenging?

I find toxic relationships and administrative constraints to be particularly challenging aspects of both my personal and professional life.

If you had the opportunity to choose an alternative specialty, career, or role at this point, what would you switch to?

I am content with my current specialty, but if I had to choose an alternative, it would likely be in a field that allows for more autonomy and flexibility, perhaps in research or teaching.

If you could choose any medical institution, place, or destination to work at, what would be your dream choice?

My dream choice would be an institution that prioritizes patient and physician care, offers growth opportunities, and provides a supportive work environment. Location-wise, I would prefer a place that offers a balanced lifestyle and a strong sense of community.

Could you describe your ideal workplace and the factors that make it desirable for you?

My ideal workplace would provide autonomy with respect, opportunities for professional growth, and a focus on excellent patient and physician care. A supportive and collaborative team, combined with a healthy work-life balance, would make it an appealing choice for me.

Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself?

I am passionate about my work and dedicated to providing the best possible care to my patients. Continuous learning and personal growth are important to me, both professionally and personally.

(ClinicalTrack/Dr. Vidya Kollu)

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