Dr. G Sneha, BDS, Government Dental College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India (2017-2023) 

DentiSight - Dr. G Sneha

MBT Desk

Name: Dr. G Sneha

Birth Place: Mumbai, India

Educational Qualification: BDS, Government Dental College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India (2017-2023)

Languages you speak or write: English, Hindi, and Tamil

What do you do? 

I work as a Dentist.

What prompted you to choose this profession? 

I had an interest in the medical field during my school days. I couldn't get an MBBS seat during that time, BDS seemed like the option that was left. I had no idea about this profession at that time, but as time flew by, I felt this was made for me.

What is the best part about being a dental student/professional? 

The best part is we can restore oral health and transform the lives of our patients. We can maintain a flexible lifestyle. Ours is also a team-oriented profession, so we get to work as part of a team.

How do you like spending your free time? 

I like to watch documentaries. I read books and newspapers. I am very much into knowing the current affairs. Sometimes, I resort to doodling and calligraphy.

Which is your favorite subject in dentistry and why? 

I like oral medicine and also Public & Preventive dentistry. I feel people don't give it much importance, as they feel like they are nonclinical subjects, this prompted me to go and delve into the subject and study it. As I went, I got to know it's really interesting. We have to understand that they form the base of dentistry, without diagnosis, we can't perform the treatment. Public Health Dentistry is also a branch of Community Health, the oral health status of our country can be made better by formulating better oral health policies and strategies.

Which is your least favorite subject in dentistry?

It would be Prosthodontics.

What are some studying tips you use to retain and understand things better?

Since my school days, I have a habit of writing, whatever I read. Writing the answers about the topic, and what I have studied helps me to analyze how much I have understood the topic. I use sticky notes and write down the keywords, sometimes I use illustrations to help me retain the topic by photographic memory. I also make mind maps.

Which dental procedure(s) do you enjoy/anticipate doing the most?

I like oral diagnosis. It gives me a sense of satisfaction when I can get to know, and diagnose the problem of the patient correctly and can treat it. I also develop a good rapport with my patients, which helps in a better understanding of the problem of patients. I believe in maintaining good communication and relations with the patient. My interest also lies in Restorative and preventive dentistry.

What do you enjoy more, doing an RCT or extracting teeth? 

I would enjoy doing RCT more because as a dentist my main focus would be on saving a tooth rather than extracting it. By doing root canals, I would help in retaining patients' teeth. However, in unavoidable circumstances, we can go for extracting.

What are some challenges you face in your professional field?

The financial struggles. Setting up an individual clinic is difficult during the initial times. Some people do look down upon the profession. The opportunities after graduating from a dental school are limited, as in jobs. Students should be given career counselling right from the college. Many of us feel clueless, as to what after BDS.

How would your friends describe you? 

Talkative, Impulsive, Funny, Determined and Empathetic

What has been the best/ most memorable moment in your dental school so far?

The whole journey of dental school has been memorable. But, the best was me winning a quiz competition in my college and all my friends were cheering for me. The times with my friends are also to cherish for.

Has dentistry impacted your food choices? Like, do you consume less sugary and sticky food items? 

Yes, I have a sweet tooth. I like to indulge in chocolates, and confectionaries. But, after getting into dentistry, am keeping a tab on what I consume. I try to cut down a bit.

As a dental health professional, what is your dental health care regime? 

I brush twice a day and use mouthwash occasionally.

If given a choice, what alternate career would you have opted for?

My alternate career option would have been Bio-Scientist.

Where would you like to work in the future? 

I have an interest in Public health and health policy making. I would like to work at NITI Aayog, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (GOI) in the future.

What is your dream travel destination?

My dream travel destination is Manhattan, New York.

Tell us a secret talent(s) that the world does not know about you. 

I can mimic people.

What are you not very good at? 

I am not very good at artistic work. I can do a decent job in it. I am also a negative thinker, which at times demotivates me. I am also a bit lazy.

A quote that resonates deeply with you? 

When you stop learning, you stop growing

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