Authorities detained the two accused doctors for investigation after the case was reported (Pixabay) 
MedBound Blog

Bucharest: Two Doctors Arrested For Murdering Patients in Public Hospital

MBT Desk

Two doctors of St. Pantelimon Clinical Emergency Hospital were detained by the Romanian prosecutors in Bucharest, they were held accused in the case after suspicious deaths of 17 patients were reported.

The two doctors were accused of these killings by a pre-planned strategy of reducing the dosage of noradrenaline, an essential medication to maintain blood pressure in intensive care.

The case came into notice when the two doctors were suspected of murder in the death of a 54-year-old patient.

The investigation first began on April 11, after a report provided by the hospital authority informing 17 deaths of patients between April 4 and April 7, 2024.

For the investigation, the prosecutors from the Bucharest Tribunal along with the Bucharest Police Department's homicide service issued search warrants for the doctors and four staff members were also brought up for questioning.

Prosecutors opened a criminal investigation and on Aug 7 they temporarily detained two doctors on suspicion of murder (Pixabay)

The initial investigation was coordinated by the Health Ministry's control body and The Bucharest college of Physicians in which they claimed of finding no evidence regarding the mentioned accusations.

The identities of both the accused were not disclosed and were identified as M.M.A and P.M are specialists in Anesthesia and Intensive care and both were held premeditated and attempted murder. They executed a plan to suddenly reduce the dosage of noradrenaline, an essential medication to maintain blood pressure in intensive care patients that would lead to the death of patients.

A nurse was also detained in the same case accused of lying in the testimony. It was found that she was lying in her witness statements given on April 26, June 6 and 19 June 2024 and held for misleading the authorities and hiding crucial information.

The case is still under investigation till the alleged actions are proven and justice is served to the victims on the other hand Health Minister has asked for the resignation of the hospital's management looking into the severity of the allegations.

(Input from various sources)

(Rehash/Tushar Pandey/MSM)

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