A senior doctor was hospitalized in the ICU after a heated confrontation with a colleague over a personal dispute. (Representational Image: Unsplash) 
MedBound Blog

Love Triangle Ends in Violence: Senior Doctors in China Clash Over Nurse, Leaving One in ICU

MBT Desk

In a shocking incident that has captivated China, two senior doctors at Wuxi People’s Hospital in Jiangsu province engaged in a violent altercation over a romantic relationship with a 27-year-old nurse, leaving one of the doctors seriously injured and admitted to the very ICU he oversees.

The altercation, which took place on July 18, involved the director of the hospital's stomatology department and the director of its emergency department, identified by his surname, Xu. The conflict began when both doctors, who are in their 50s, discovered that they were simultaneously involved with the same nurse, leading to a confrontation fueled by jealousy.

Xu, a 50-year-old divorcee, bore the brunt of the violence, sustaining severe injuries to his head, neck, and right hand. According to reports from the Xiaoxiang Morning Herald, Xu was rendered unconscious during the fight. Upon regaining consciousness, he misleadingly informed his colleagues that his injuries were due to an “accidental fall.” Initially, Xu was treated in the hospital’s orthopedics department, where he underwent surgery for his finger injury, before being transferred to the intensive care unit (ICU), which he manages.

Xu underwent surgery for his finger injury, before being transferred to the intensive care unit (ICU), which he manages. (Image by freepik)

The other doctor involved in the incident, who remains unnamed, has not been reported to have sustained any injuries.

This incident reportedly unfolded when one of the doctors, who had purchased a villa for the nurse, went to pick her up and discovered his colleague there. It was this moment of revelation that sparked the violent brawl. The nurse, who has not been publicly identified, was allegedly dating both doctors simultaneously without either’s knowledge. Following the altercation, she reportedly left Wuxi and returned to her hometown in Chongqing, southwestern China.

The scandal has generated significant attention across China, particularly on social media platforms such as Weibo, where discussions around the incident have garnered millions of views. The story has resonated widely, with many expressing shock at the extreme measures the doctors took due to their romantic rivalry.

The hospital has launched a formal investigation into the incident. A hospital official stated, "We are still looking into the incident. Whether these two doctors will be punished will be based on the result of the investigation." The outcome of this investigation could have significant implications for the careers of the two doctors involved.

The incident has not only exposed the personal lives of these senior medical professionals but also raised questions about the conduct and professionalism expected from those in such high-ranking positions within a healthcare institution.

As the investigation continues, the story serves as a reminder of the potentially destructive consequences of mixing personal and professional lives, especially in environments where high-stress and critical decisions are a daily reality.

(Input from various sources)


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