An X-ray revealed the huge vegetable stuck in the man's rectum. (Representational image: Unsplash) 
MedBound Blog

MP: Doctors Extract 16-inch Lauki From Man's Rectum After Two-Hour Procedure

Priyanka Pandey

In an unexpected medical case from Madhya Pradesh, following a two-hour surgery, surgeons were able to safely extract a 16-inch bottle gourd (lauki) from the rectum of a 60-year-old farmer. An X-ray revealed the huge vegetable stuck in the man's rectum when he had sought medical attention for severe stomach pain.

There is still no clear explanation for how the bottle gourd got there—the patient failed to provide one. The doctors Ashish Shukla, Sanjay Maurya, Nandkishore Jatav, and Manoj Chaudhary carried out the complex yet effective surgery. It is currently stated that the man is safe and recovering.

The doctors carried out the complex yet effective surgery. (Representational image: Unsplash)

Dr. Chaudhary suggested that the event could have been caused by an accident, a testicular condition, or mental health problems. In order to determine the root of the issue, the hospital is looking into it.

This strange instance comes after a comparable event in Vietnam, where an X-ray and ultrasound revealed that a 34-year-old man had a live eel in his abdomen. According to reports, the eel entered through the anus and passed through the colon.

In another noteworthy case from Delhi's Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, medical professionals extracted a needle that had been stuck in a woman's buttock for three years. Even though these kinds of accidents are uncommon, doctors stress that these kinds of surgeries may be carried out safely with the right attention.

Though such instances are uncommon, medical professionals are prepared to manage them well since the rectum is exposed to microorganisms and fecal secretions.

(Input from various sources)

(Rehash/Priyanka Pandey/MSM)

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