Tragically, a newborn in Madhya Pradesh passed away shortly after delivery due to the absence of proper medical care (Representational image: Unsplash) 
MedBound Blog

Pregnant Woman's Plea Ignored; Sanitation Worker Delivers Baby in MP, Infant Dies

MBT Desk

A devastating incident occurred where a pregnant woman was forced to rely on a sanitation worker for delivery due to the unavailability of an ambulance and medical professionals, resulting in the tragic loss of her newborn.

According to local news sources, the assigned doctor was absent due to a scheduled leave, and the nurse responsible for providing medical care was nowhere to be found.

The event unfolded in Madhya Pradesh's Shivpuri district, where a pregnant woman from Kharai village had to resort to a sanitation worker's assistance for childbirth due to the lack of medical aid.

Despite multiple pleas for an ambulance and medical help, no response was received, leaving the woman with no option but to seek aid from a sanitation worker

Tragically, the newborn passed away shortly after delivery due to the absence of proper medical care.

The family attempted to rush the pregnant woman to the nearest hospital, but unfortunately, no medical professionals were present to provide assistance. As a result, the sanitation worker was forced to take on the responsibility of delivering the baby, highlighting the dire circumstances.

The absence of medical care led to the heartbreaking loss of the newborn's life.

In the aftermath of the incident, the sanitation worker who assisted in the delivery has been terminated from their position.

The tragic event occurred on Sunday morning at approximately 9:00 am.

Local news sources confirm that the assigned doctor was absent due to a scheduled leave, and the nurse responsible for providing medical care was unavailable.

The pregnant woman was forced to rely on a sanitation worker for delivery due to the unavailability of an ambulance and medical professionals (Representational image: Unsplash)

According to NDTV, citing local reports, the pregnant woman, Rani (32), arrived at the hospital only to find that no qualified medical professionals were available to provide assistance.

In the absence of medical professionals, the sanitation worker stepped in to assist with the delivery.

As per Madhya Pradesh state regulations, an ambulance is required to transport a pregnant woman in need to the nearest district hospital or Primary Health Center (PHC) immediately upon receiving a distress call.

Unfortunately, in this incident, no ambulance was available to transport Rani to a medical facility.

The District Health Officer, Sanjay Risheshwar, has pledged to take severe disciplinary action against those responsible for the negligence leading to this tragic incident.

(Input from various sources)

(Rehash/Vaishnavi Dalvi/MSM)

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