In a surprising new venture, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has announced an initiative that diverges entirely from his usual focus on messaging technology. In a move that has drawn comparisons to the Bollywood film Vicky Donor—albeit minus the comedic tone—Durov is offering a heartfelt and intentional solution to assist women struggling with infertility. Through a partnership with Altravita fertility clinic, the tech mogul has pledged to donate his sperm and cover the costs of In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) treatments for women who wish to conceive using his genetic material.
This initiative, which was recently publicized, aims to provide hope to those facing challenges in starting a family. According to Altravita’s website, this program is exclusive to their clinic, offering free IVF using the sperm of one of the most renowned entrepreneurs, Pavel Durov. The fertility clinic promises state-of-the-art care, collaborating with top specialists in reproductive health to ensure the highest standards of treatment.
The process for women interested in this opportunity is straightforward but selective. Candidates are encouraged to reach out to Altravita to arrange an initial consultation. The clinic, leveraging its advanced technology and expert care, aims to achieve optimal outcomes for the prospective parents who decide to participate in this unique initiative.
Durov’s Journey as a Sperm Donor
In an earlier post on his Telegram channel, Durov shared a personal revelation: he has fathered over 100 biological children across 12 countries over the last 15 years. This unexpected discovery had came as a surprise even to him, considering his preference for a solitary lifestyle and the fact that he has never been married. He recalled a pivotal moment 15 years ago when a close friend approached him with an unusual request. The friend, who was facing fertility issues with his wife, asked Durov to donate sperm so they could have a child. Initially, the request seemed laughable to Durov, but upon realizing the seriousness of his friend’s plea, he agreed.
This decision led to a series of anonymous sperm donations that, over the years, have resulted in helping numerous couples conceive. According to Durov, his past contributions have enabled more than 100 families to welcome children into their lives. Even after he ceased his donations, at least one clinic has preserved his frozen sperm for anonymous use, thereby continuing to assist families who wish to have children.
Addressing the Global Shortage of Healthy Sperm
Durov’s recent disclosure highlighted a global issue—the shortage of healthy sperm donors. He emphasized the need for more individuals to consider donating in order to support families facing infertility. Reflecting on his experience, Durov expressed no regrets about his past contributions. He also revealed plans to “open-source” his DNA, thereby allowing his biological children to connect with one another more easily in the future.
Durov concluded his statement by addressing the stigma associated with sperm donation. He stressed the importance of destigmatizing the act and encouraging more healthy men to step forward as donors, thereby increasing the options available to couples striving to have children. His aim is to challenge societal conventions and redefine the norms surrounding sperm donation.
(Input from various sources)
(Rehash/Ankur Deka/MSM)