Dental Implants: An Overview

Artificial tooth roots i.e DENTAL IMPLANTS are frequently used as a solution for tooth loss, a relatively common issue. Also, it is the most reliable and efficient method of replacing lost teeth.
Dental implants
Dental implants Source - unsplash

Artificial tooth roots i.e. DENTAL IMPLANTS are frequently used as a solution for tooth loss , a relatively common issue. Also, it is the most reliable and efficient method of replacing lost teeth. Research on dental implants has grown recently and is anticipated to continue growing.

Dental Implants: What are they?

These are prosthetic devices made up of alloplastic materials, i.e., non-carcinogenic and safe for patients to replace missing teeth or to support additional prosthetics. Over a traditional, fixed partial denture, dental implants have a variety of benefits. For instance: a 97% high rate of success during a 10-year period, less likelihood of tooth decay and endodontic issues with adjacent teeth; better bone health in the edentulous region.

These are prosthetic devices made up of alloplastic materials, i.e., non-carcinogenic and safe for patients to replace missing teeth or to support additional prosthetics. Over a traditional, fixed partial denture, dental implants have a variety of benefits. (Unsplash)
These are prosthetic devices made up of alloplastic materials, i.e., non-carcinogenic and safe for patients to replace missing teeth or to support additional prosthetics. Over a traditional, fixed partial denture, dental implants have a variety of benefits. (Unsplash)


Dental implants have been used for millennia, which is quite intriguing. Wilson Popenoe found a 600 AD skull with an artificial tooth made out of black stone. The earliest known usage of implants was the use of bamboo pegs to repair lost teeth in China 4,000 years ago. These were affixed to the oral bone. The Egyptians developed a similar custom of cutting precious metals and pegging them onto the jawbone about 2,000 years later. A metal implant was discovered for the first time in an Egyptian king in 1,000 B.C. Dental practitioners experimented with a variety of materials in the 1800s, including porcelain and silver. Modern implants are made of high-quality titanium and are intended to provide a secure fixation to the jawbone with a very low failure rate.

Dental implants
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Can anybody get dental implants?

Most people who are healthy enough to have oral surgery or tooth extraction are candidates for dental implants. The patient's gums and bone volume should be sufficient to support the implant. They must also be dedicated to maintaining good oral hygiene and going to the dentist regularly.

Dental implants
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Those with uncontrolled chronic illnesses, such as diabetes or heart disease, or patients who have received radiation therapy to the head or neck area need to be assessed individually.

Utilizing osseointegration, a biological process where bone binds firmly to the surface of particular materials like titanium and some ceramics, modern dental implants are supported by this technology. Furthermore, with a proper home care regimen and consistent dental checkups, patients can be sure that dental implants have a high success rate. Dental implants are the suggested treatment for patients nowadays and ought to be.
Dr.Sindhuja Ivaturi - Dental practitioner.
Given that there are a few billion bacteria in the oral cavity, on rare occasions, infections develop soon after surgery. The patient must take the oral antibiotic as directed and use the antiseptic mouthwash for at least a week following surgery in order to reduce infections  (Unsplash)
Given that there are a few billion bacteria in the oral cavity, on rare occasions, infections develop soon after surgery. The patient must take the oral antibiotic as directed and use the antiseptic mouthwash for at least a week following surgery in order to reduce infections (Unsplash)


Given that there are a few billion bacteria in the oral cavity, on rare occasions, infections develop soon after surgery. The patient must take the oral antibiotic as directed and use the antiseptic mouthwash for at least a week following surgery in order to reduce infections.

Dental implants
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Dental implants need to be brushed and flossed every day, just like natural teeth do. Plaque around the implant may develop, leading to peri-implant mucositis (gingivitis) or peri-implantitis. Redness, and bleeding during brushing, are symptoms of this illness. Due to stress overload, mechanical difficulties can include the loosening of screws, fractured screws, and even broken implants.

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