Dr. Bindu Reddy, gynecologist and fertility consultant talks about IVF treatment.
Dr. Bindu Reddy, gynecologist and fertility consultant talks about IVF treatment.

Dr. P Bindu Reddy Talks about Fertility and IVF Advancements

MedBound Times interviewed Dr. P Bindu Reddy, a gynecologist and IVF specialist, on IVF treatment and more
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Dr. P Bindu Reddy is a renowned fertility consultant based in Nellore, Andhra Pradesh. With an MBBS from Guntur Medical College, followed by an MS in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. Reddy further honed her expertise with a fellowship in reproductive medicine under the mentorship of Dr. Kamini Rao in Bangalore. Her extensive training and dedication to the field have made her a trusted specialist in IVF and fertility treatments.


Dr. Yogeeta VH: Could you please introduce yourself to our readers?


Dr. P Bindu Reddy: Hi, I am Dr. Bindu Reddy, a fertility consultant based in Nellore, Andhra Pradesh. I did my MBBS from Guntur Medical College. Later I did my MS in OBG and fellowship in reproductive medicine under Dr. Kamini Rao from Bangalore.


Dr. Yogeeta VH: Why did you choose to become an IVF specialist? How many years of experience do you have in the field of reproductive medicine and IVF? 


Dr. P Bindu Reddy: It has been my dream since my MBBS days to pursue a career in infertility. I am influenced by Dr. Kamini Rao, who is a pioneer in IVF in South India, and planned to get trained under her. I have 10 years of experience in fertility practice.

Great! Today, we will be discussing about IVF treatment.


Dr. Yogeeta VH: What is the reason for increased cases of infertility these days? What simple steps can be taken to reduce the risk of infertility?


Dr. P Bindu Reddy: Reasons for the increasing incidence of infertility are late marriages, environmental factors, obesity, junk food, sedentary life, etc.

Regular exercise, a healthy diet, optimal body weight, and a stress-free life help to increase the chances of natural conception.


Dr. Yogeeta VH: We see an increased number of people opting for IVF treatment. Can you walk us through the typical IVF process? 


Dr. P Bindu Reddy: The treatment process involves giving injections for 10 days to the woman, later oocyte retrieval, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, embryo formation, freezing of the embryos, and, transferring them into the woman's uterus at a later date.


Dr. Yogeeta VH: What advancements do you see in IVF treatment over the years and how has it impacted the success rate of the procedure?


Dr. P Bindu Reddy: Advances in freezing and thawing techniques, and stimulation protocols to prevent hyperstimulation has helped to increase the success rate.


Dr. Yogeeta VH: What are the main factors considered while assessing a patient's likelihood of success with IVF treatment?  


Dr. P Bindu Reddy: Age of the women, oocyte quality, husband's semen parameters, normal uterine contour.


Dr. Yogeeta VH: How do you handle cases where multiple embryos are created but not all of them are used?


Dr. P Bindu Reddy: We will freeze the embryos if the woman is willing for a second child at a later date. If she is not planning another pregnancy, we will discard the embryos with the couple's consent.


Dr. Yogeeta VH: What is your opinion on preimplantation genetic testing?


Dr. P Bindu Reddy: PGT is not required for all IVF cases. It's indicated in previous failed IVF's or previous miscarriages, h/0 children with genetic diseases in the family.


Dr. Yogeeta VH: How do you help patients understand and navigate the cost associated with IVF treatment? Are there any government schemes providing financial assistance for IVF treatment?


Dr. P Bindu Reddy: Nowadays the cost of IVF procedures has come down. Government schemes are not available for any fertility-related treatments.


Dr. Yogeeta VH: How do you provide emotional and psychological support to patients going through IVF treatment?


Dr. P Bindu Reddy: We have trained counselors apart from our team to deal with emotional breakdowns during the process.


Dr. Yogeeta VH: What do you see in the future of reproductive medicine and assisted reproductive technologies?


Dr. P Bindu Reddy: With advanced technologies and procedures, we hope for an increase in success rate and take-home baby rate with IVF procedures.

MedBound Times thanks Dr. P Bindu Reddy for her insights with the medical community.

Dr. Bindu Reddy, gynecologist and fertility consultant talks about IVF treatment.
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