The Knot of Chronic Illness and Personality Patterns

Autoimmune diseases, asthma, chronic fatigue, and many more have been seen to develop in people with certain personality patterns. Could that be a significant contribution to disease development?
Chronic illness has interlinks to stress and specific personality patterns. (Representational Image: Unsplash)
Chronic illness has interlinks to stress and specific personality patterns. (Representational Image: Unsplash)
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What is Chronic Illness?

The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention defines chronic diseases broadly as conditions that last 1 year or more and require ongoing medical attention or limit activities of daily living or both.

These range from autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease(IBD), chronic asthma, etc.

On a foundational level, a chronic illness develops when the immune system fails to eliminate the causative factor or when the immunity falls short of recovering to the state of health. What is it in the mindset of these patients which contributes to such a state of severity?

Possible Triggering Personality Patterns

There is no doubt that genetic predisposition and the lifestyle one follows play a major role in disease development. Still, certain behavioral and thinking patterns have been observed to amplify the illness course.

Immunity of the body is the resistance that one holds against what is not acceptable inside the body. If we correlate this to the thinking wires that create bonds of neuroplasticity over time, we see that patients have the traits of :

  • self-depreciation

  • people pleasing and compromising on self

  • feeling of inferiority and suppression

  • over-achievers

  • ones having trouble saying no

  • highly sensitive or psychologically fragile persons

  • anxiety, stress, and chronic depression

There are many studies ongoing to research details about the pathology that leads to this disastrous result of illness in the patients. It cannot be said that these are the only causative factors but like a lifestyle develops over time, these personality traits become a habitual part of our being.

Dr. Gabor Mate gives his detailed insight on this topic in an interview conducted by Dr. Rangan Chatterjee, a few months ago on his YouTube channel. Dr. Gabor Mate explains the connection between chronic illnesses and personality patterns which he has observed over years of his experience with patients.

Two fatal beliefs leading to autoimmune diseases: 1) You are responsible for how other people feel. 2) You must not disappoint anybody.

Dr. Gabor Mate, M.D. with expertise in stress, childhood, and addiction, University of British Columbia

Meditation can be an effective strategy for coping with chronic illness and stress management. (Representational Image: Unsplash)
Meditation can be an effective strategy for coping with chronic illness and stress management. (Representational Image: Unsplash)

Prevention is Better Than Cure

We could try to delay or prevent such chronic illnesses from occurring by inculcating the following practices into our daily routine :

1) Exercise: Any form of outdoor exercise for at least 30 minutes could boost the immune system and refresh the mind from desk work jobs.

2) Mindfulness: Simple deep breathing practices could take us a long way in the domain of good health. Meditation and yoga can help to cope with stress effectively.

3) Positive attitude: Dropping the need to control our life, and practicing acceptance and gratitude creates a positive mindset for the personal growth of a being.

4) Abstaining from addiction: Alcohol, smoking and drugs are unhealthy ways of coping with the grievances or the tensions of life. These in no way address the root cause of the problem or treat it.

5) Healthy food choices: Fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and healthy meat build up the immune system stronger. Packaged foods and preservatives do no good to us.


We could have more research with case-control studies to get a definitive conclusion on the pathophysiology of these chronic diseases but is it worth the wait for that evidence? Keeping ourselves free from these debilitating personality traits is going to be beneficial to us no matter whichever age group we fall into.

For diagnosis and effective treatment, consult your health practitioner regularly. Your smile and peace of mind are the most precious assets you hold, don't ignore them for materialistic concerns.


  1. [Relationship between autoimmune diseases and personality traits in women]. (1990, December 1). PubMed.

  2. Understanding the Link Between Chronic Disease and Depression. (n.d.). National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).

  3. Ragland, L. (2023, September 12). Ways to Manage Stress. WebMD.

  4. Interview conducted by Dr Rangan Chatterjee on his YouTube channel: Personality Traits That Predict Mortality - Reinvent Yourself To Feel Better, Live More: Gabor Maté

By Dr. Shreya Dave

Chronic illness has interlinks to stress and specific personality patterns. (Representational Image: Unsplash)
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