DentiSight- Dr. Medha Gupta

Insight into the Lives of Healthcare Professionals and Students. A Glimpse into the Life of Dr. Medha Gupta.
Dr. Medha Gupta,
BDS, MDS from Mathrusri Ramabai Ambedkar Dental College & Hospital, Karnataka, India (2016-2019)
Dr. Medha Gupta, BDS, MDS from Mathrusri Ramabai Ambedkar Dental College & Hospital, Karnataka, India (2016-2019)
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Name:  Dr. Medha Gupta

Birth Place:  Malda, India

Educational Qualification: BDS from Christian Dental College, Ludhiana, India (2009-2013)

MDS from Mathrusri Ramabai Ambedkar Dental College & Hospital, Karnataka, India (2016-2019)

Languages you speak or write: English, Hindi and Bengali

  1. What are you doing presently?

    I am currently working as a clinician and content writer in healthcare.

  2. What prompted you to choose this profession?

    My passion to grow with human sciences led me to choose this profession.

  3. What’s the best part of your profession? What made you choose this profession?

    The best part of my profession is dealing with tissues and cosmetics both, which is why I chose this path.

  4. How do you like spending your free time?

    Surfing LinkedIn

  5. How would your friend describe you?


  6. Your favorite subject(s)?

    My favorite subject is Periodontics, as healthy gingiva is very important for overall health.

  7. What is your least favourite subject?


  8. What are some studying tips you use to retain and understand things better?


  9. Which dental procedure(s) you enjoy/anticipate doing the most?

    Enjoy border moulding

  10. What do you enjoy more, doing an RCT or extracting teeth?


  11. What are some challenges you face in your professional field?

    High overheads

  12. Best/memorable moment?

    My best and most memorable moment was earning gold medals and a monetary prize as the best intern.

  13. Has dentistry impacted your food choices? Like, do you consume less sugary and sticky food items?

    Absolutely. I consume no sugar, rather.

  14. As a dental health professional, what is your dental health care regime?

    My dental health care regime includes brushing before bed and after breakfast.

  15. If given a choice, what alternate career would you have opted for?


  16. Where would you like to work in the future?


  17. What are you not very good at?


  18. Tell us a secret talent(s) that the world does not know about you.

    I can dance.

(DentiSight/Dr. Medha Gupta/PB)
