MedSight - Dr. Manit Arora

Insights into the Lives of Healthcare Professionals and Students. A Glimpse into the Life of Dr. Manit Arora.
MBBS, MS Orthopedics from DY Patil University, Mumbai, India
MBBS, MS Orthopedics from DY Patil University, Mumbai, India
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Name : Dr. Manit Arora

Birth Place: Chandigarh, India

Academic Qualification:  MBBS from University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia

MS Orthopedics from DY Patil University, Mumbai, India

Languages: English and Hindi

  1. What do you do?

    I am a sports surgeon.

  2. What’s the best part of your profession?

    The best part of my profession is helping athletes return to sports post-surgery. Witnessing their determination and hard work to regain their strength and performance is incredibly rewarding.

  3. What made you choose this profession?

    I chose this profession because of my passion for both medicine and sports. Combining the two allows me to make a meaningful impact on athletes' lives and contribute to their well-being.

  4. Do you like reading? What was the last thing you read?

    Yes, I enjoy reading. The last thing I read was a documentary about job opportunities.

  5. What is your favorite dish?

    My favorite dish is Butter Chicken.

  6. How would your friends describe you?

    My friends would describe me as honest, loyal, and hardworking.

  7. What sports did you play growing up?

    I played a lot of sports growing up, particularly enjoying athletics and cricket.

  8. What is your least favourite subject(s)? Your favorite subject(s)?

    My least favorite subject is Mathematics. My favorite subject is Chemistry.

  9. What’s something you wish to change about the world?

    I wish to leave a mark and make a positive change in the field of sports medicine, improving the well-being and performance of athletes.

  10. If your journey was/were a movie, what would it be called?

    "Pursuit of Happiness'"

  11. What are you passionate about?

    I am passionate about my work as a sports surgeon and helping athletes recover and excel.

  12. Best/memorable moment

    A memorable moment was graduating from medical school and realizing that all the hard work had paid off.

  13. What do you love to do in your leisure time?

    In my leisure time, I love to watch movies and enjoy good food.

  14. What do you hate the most?

    I dislike people who think they know more than me or talk down to me.

  15. If given a choice, what alternate career would you have opted for?

    I might have chosen to be an investment banker.

  16. What is your dream travel destination?

    My dream travel destination is Iceland.

  17. Where and what kind of workplace would you like to work in the future?

    In the future, I would like to work in my own state-of-the-art setup.

  18. Finally, a Quote you relate to.

    "Work hard, play hard."

  19. What else would you like to tell about yourself?

    I am a researcher, scholar, and passionate about my work. I believe in the value of hard work and dedication in achieving one's goals.

(MedSight/Dr. Manit Arora/PB)
