Chinese Boarding School Faces Backlash After Student Punished for Using Toilet Past Curfew

An incident involving a student punished for using the toilet after curfew has triggered public outrage, leading authorities to demand policy reforms
Punishment for a student’s night-time toilet use sparks backlash, with calls for schools to enforce humane policies. (Wikimedia Commons)
Punishment for a student’s night-time toilet use sparks backlash, with calls for schools to enforce humane policies. (Wikimedia Commons)
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A boarding school in China has come under heavy criticism after an incident where a student was severely punished for using the toilet at night came to light. The student, who used the washroom at 11:00 pm, which was 15 minutes past the school's curfew, was caught and reprimanded. The strict handling of the situation has been compared to a "prison" environment, causing widespread anger.

According to a report by Beijing News, an anonymous teacher shared that students are forbidden from leaving their dormitories after 10:45 pm, and restrictions have been placed on toilet use. If students need to use the toilet after curfew, they are required to seek permission from dorm administrators.

The punishment imposed on the student was reported by the South China Morning Post (SCMP). The boy was asked to write a "deep self-reflection" letter and was instructed to print and distribute 1,000 copies to his classmates. Additionally, marks were deducted from his class's monthly discipline score. In his letter, the student expressed regret, stating, “I have seriously breached the school rules, and going to the toilet in the evening not only disturbed other students' sleep but also brought shame to my class.” He also apologized to his teachers and classmates, promising not to repeat such behavior in the future.

The incident sparked outrage on social media, with users expressing disbelief over the school's rigid regulations. One user on Douyin, a Chinese social media platform, wrote, "I don’t understand why going to the toilet after 11 pm breaks the school’s rules. Who can control when they need to go?" Another added, "This school resembles a prison with such strict regulations."

As the public outcry grew, the Education Department of Huairen, where the school is located, intervened. The education authorities have demanded that the school reflect on its policies and correct its errors. According to the department, the school has been instructed to revise its discipline policies to make them more reasonable and humane.

Additionally, the school was asked to compensate the student by paying him 100 yuan (approximately US$14) to cover the cost of printing the 1,000 copies of his reflection letter. Officials have also ordered all schools in the region to ensure their disciplinary measures are fair and humane, preventing similar incidents from occurring in the future.


1. Yan, Alice, and Alice Yan. 2024. “China boarding school criticised for harsh punishment of pupil for using toilet late at night.” South China Morning Post, September 25, 2024.

(Input from various sources)

(Rehash/Ankur Deka/MSM)

Punishment for a student’s night-time toilet use sparks backlash, with calls for schools to enforce humane policies. (Wikimedia Commons)
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