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The painful realities of living with Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome. (Wikimedia Commons)
Ruchika Brahmmadandi, MD
3 min read
Uncover the unsettling reality of a genetic condition that leads to compulsive self-mutilation and the ongoing battle to manage it
Vaughan–Jackson Syndrome causes inflammation in the wrist and distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ), weakening the extensor tendons and leading to their gradual rupture, starting with the little finger and progressing to others. (Representational image : Unsplash)
Yash Kiran Kamble
5 min read
The hallmark of Vaughan-Jackson Syndrome is the sequential rupture of the extensor tendons in the fingers, particularly starting with the little and ring fingers
Overweight, poor diet, and lack of exercise are underlying risk factors that contribute to metabolic syndrome. (Representational Image: Pixabay)
Gayatri Prakasan
4 min read
Overweight, poor diet, and lack of exercise are underlying risk factors that contribute to metabolic syndrome
Alice in Wonderland Syndrome is a condition where individuals perceive their bodies and surroundings in distorted sizes and shapes, echoing the fantastical distortions of Lewis Carroll's literary creation, Alice. (Pixabay)
Ruchika Brahmmadandi, MD
4 min read
Unraveling Alice in Wonderland Syndrome's Mysterious Grip on Perception, exploring the unusual neurological phenomenon that blurs the lines between perception and reality
Acute coronary syndrome is a  medical emergency involving sudden, reduced blood flow to the heart, often due to plaque rupture in coronary arteries. Symptoms include chest pain, shortness of breath, and can lead to heart attack. Immediate treatment is critical.(Representational Image: Unsplash)
MBT Desk
3 min read
Cedars-Sinai Investigators Describe How Immune Response Might Predispose to Heart Attack
Boy With Fragile X Syndrome Smiling (Wikimedia commons)
Yash Kiran Kamble
5 min read
Fragile X Syndrome is a Hidden Disorder That Often Goes Unnoticed and Misunderstood
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