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Disease-associated microglia/macrophages are thought to be protective, as they participate in removing lipid-rich waste derived from tissue damage. (Representational Image: Wikimedia Commons)
MBT Desk
3 min read
Discoveries could inform more targeted therapies for Alzheimer’s and other lipid-rich tissue-related disease
A new study found that early conversations about brain health between clinicians and their patients are rare due to the stigma around an Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia diagnosis. (Representational Image: Unsplash)
MBT Desk
5 min read
Approximately four of five primary care clinicians consider themselves on the front lines of brain health
Astrocytes are major players in controlling sleep (Representational Image: Unsplash)
MBT Desk
3 min read
New animal research suggests that little-studied brain cells known as astrocytes are major players in controlling sleep
High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is blood pressure that is higher than normal
MBT Desk
3 min read
Having high blood pressure in your 30s is associated with worse brain health around age 75, especially for men, according to a new UC Davis study
In a new study conducted in cell cultures, researchers found that the chemical acetyl tributyl citrate (ATBC) might not be the best replacement because it appears to interfere with the growth and maintenance of neurons.
MBT Desk
3 min read
Growing concerns over the potential health effects of exposure to phthalates, a component of many plastics and also known as a plasticizer, have led to a search for safer alternatives
Low bone density and dementia are two conditions that commonly affect older people simultaneously
MBT Desk
2 min read
People who have low bone density may have an increased risk of developing dementia compared to people who have higher bone density
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