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Teneurin-3 identified helps wire the brain during neural development to allow for stable responses to circadian rhythm challenges from day to day. (Representational Image: Unsplash)
MBT Desk
3 min read
Teneurin-3 appears to help wire the brain in mice to resist changes in sleep and other cycles linked to changing light
Circadian rhythms are inherent cycles of approximately 24 hours that regulate various biological processes, such as sleep and wakefulness.
MBT Desk
3 min read
Circadian rhythms are inherent cycles of approximately 24 hours that regulate various biological processes, such as sleep and wakefulness.
Anxiety, autism, schizophrenia, and Tourette syndrome each have their own distinguishing characteristics, but one factor bridging these and most other mental disorders is circadian rhythm disruption (Unsplash)
MedBound Times
3 min read
Anxiety, autism, schizophrenia, and Tourette syndrome each have their own distinguishing characteristics, but one factor bridging these and most other mental disorders is circadian rhythm disruption.
Healing often leaves a scar. But the role of the scar itself in healing is often underestimated: a scar that doesn’t heal cleanly can be painful or upsetting or affect the range of movement of the affected body part. It may even require further surgical treatment.
MBT Desk
3 min read
Scientists have found that compounds which target the circadian clock and affect the synthesis of collagen — a protein which is important for skin repair — could improve scar healing.
Did you know that aligning your meals with your body’s internal clock could enhance your metabolic health and support weight management? (Freepik)
Ruchika Brahmmadandi, MD
4 min read
Boost metabolism and manage weight by syncing meals with your circadian rhythm. Learn how meal timing enhances energy and overall well-being
Researchers of Smidt Heart Institute and their Cedars-Sinai colleagues developed An AI program that can detect and Improve Atrial Fibrillation (Abnormal Heart Rhythms).
MBT Desk
3 min read
Investigators in the Smidt Heart Institute and their Cedars-Sinai colleagues developed An AI program that can detect and Improve Atrial Fibrillation (Abnormal Heart Rhythms).
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