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Researchers at ETH Zurich discover that vortioxetine, an antidepressant, could help treat aggressive glioblastoma tumors in lab settings. (Wikimedia Commons)
Ankur Deka
3 min read
Researchers from ETH Zurich discover that an approved antidepressant may help combat aggressive brain tumors, offering potential for future treatment
Discovering a new approach to treating the most malignant type of brain cancer – glioblastoma.
(Representational Image: Unsplash)
MBT Desk
3 min read
Glioblastoma (GB), disease that confounded oncologists for decades due to its aggressive nature and strong resistance to existing therapies.
A team of Michigan State University scientists has unveiled a potential game-changer in the fight against glioblastoma, the most common and currently incurable form of brain cancer. (Representational Image: Wikimedia Commons)
MBT Desk
2 min read
A team of Michigan State University scientists has unveiled a potential game-changer in the fight against glioblastoma, the most common and currently incurable form of brain cancer.
A team of researchers has developed a new method for using extracellular vesicles to enhance responses to immunotherapy in glioblastoma. (Representational Image: Unsplash)
MBT Desk
3 min read
A team of researchers has developed a new method for using extracellular vesicles to enhance responses to immunotherapy in glioblastoma.
Cooling brain tumor cells to stop them from dividing without killing healthy cells extended the survival of glioblastoma (GBM) animal models dramatically in a study led by a UT Southwestern resident(Unsplash)
MBT Desk
4 min read
Lowering temperatures to nonlethal levels stopped cancer cells from dividing in study led by resident
Glioblastoma is a lethal cancer that is always considered as an aggressive, stage 4 tumor at diagnosis with patients living an average of 15 months after diagnosis.
MedBound Times
5 min read
In the tough war against glioblastoma, scientists are taking a cue from viruses on how to make aggressive cancer more vulnerable to treatment.
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