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Abdominal pregnancy is a rare and life-threatening condition where the fetus develops outside the uterus, in the abdominal cavity
(Representational image: Unsplash)
MBT Desk
2 min read
A testimony to the hospital's commitment to high-risk pregnancy cases, medical expertise saves Mother and Baby in a rare abdominal pregnancy
 A 21 year-old woman delivered quadruplet through natural childbirth at a local hospital, presenting a rare case that highlights the complexities of multiple pregnancies.
(Representational image: Unsplash)
MBT Desk
2 min read
Quadruplets under medical observation due to breathing difficulties, underscores need for specialized care and challenges associated
Insights into the Key Milestones, Challenges, and Joys of Every Trimester of Your Pregnancy.(Unsplash)
Ruchika Brahmmadandi, MD
5 min read
A Comprehensive Guide to the Physical and Emotional Changes Throughout Your Pregnancy
Immune System Link Found Between Pregnancy And Cancer (Created on Ideogram by Simran Sethi)
MBT Desk
3 min read
By understanding how the immune system is suppressed in pregnancy, researchers pinpointed a key mechanism that stops the immune system from blocking cancer
As a pregnant woman, she was deemed unsuitable for palliative chemotherapy by the doctors at Tata Memorial Centre (TMC). (Representational image: Unsplash)
Priyanka Pandey
2 min read
The woman (24), along with her husband (34), petitioned the high court for permission to seek medical termination of pregnancy (MTP)
Obesity and diabetes in mothers who took metformin during pregnancy were also similar during the 11-year postpartum follow-up period.(Representational image: Wikimedia commons)
MBT Desk
2 min read
Metformin has been extensively used for managing raised blood glucose values in pregnancy for many decades now
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